All habitats depend directly on their fungal allies, without which the life-support systems of the earth would soon collapse. Mycelial networks hold soils together & aerate them. Fungal enzymes, acids, & antibiotics dramatically affect the condition & structure of soils. In the wake of catastrophe, fungal diversity helps restore devastated habitats.
Last week I wrote about my work with mushrooms in a grant application to Center for Cultural Innovation. I'd love to get this grant. It would enable me to paint BIG mushrooms, to visit Paul Stamets & other mycologists, & to devote a block of time to the project without wondering where the next month's rent's coming from. It's at least one or two orders of magnitude more probable than winning the lottery....
It felt good to clarify my intentions around mushrooms, Stamets' work, & mycological effects on the miracle of biological interdependence. Whatever happens, they were hours well spent. My fungal allies helped aerate & structure my artstic soil.
Hi Sandy, I love your mushroom paintings. I have been exploring the use of certain mushrooms for natural dyes, and I know that they can also be used for watercolor pigments, but I haven't tried that yet. Check out the book "Mushrooms for Dyes, Paper, Pigments & Myco-Stix" by Miriam C. Rice if you are curious about making your own paints from mushrooms. Good luck with the grant application!