Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Ken Balcomb & Orcas

Ken Balcomb studies orcas in Puget Sound. His website, www.whaleresearch.com, describes the perils these wonderful animals are facing. He shares facts, pictures, news stories, research reports, and even a live webcam with the potential to sight orcas. His blog, www.whaleresearch.blogspot.com, has more orca stuff, including 5 resolutions to help them. The attraction I felt to the San Juan Islands 25 years ago influenced my spirituality & art ever since. Balcomb's research & whole way of life touch me.

Through some imaginative affinity, orcas pop up in my work from time to time, although I've never seen one. Maybe there's something archetypal about their intelligence, size, strength, & capacity for both love & cruelty. I find them breathtakingly beautiful. These paintings are Eagle Man & Red Orca, acrylic on canvas, 40 x 30"; Blue Coyote & Red Orca, acrylic on canvas, 20 x 20", Orcas & Pelicans, watercolor, 10 x 12.5"

Ken Balcomb is emotionally as well as scientifically involved in their changing lives--a champion for their wellbeing & survival. He connects salmon abundance & orca survival. Both species need those dams to come down. Visit his site, contribute what you can. Visit his blog, keep those 5 resolutions.

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